From Prototype to Product

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This Page Reviewed By Bose


Around 2002, enough testing of the 2nd Generation Prototype had been conducted for Bose to feel confident that the concept worked and should be commercialized.

The effort to convert the concept into a product began.

Integral Bass Enclosure

Originally, a bass enclosure integrated into the base that held the mid-high frequency line array was considered.

A number of possible configurations were sketched as shown in the drawings below.

Bass box vertical...

Product design 1.jpg

Bass box horizontal...

Product design 2.jpg

More of a wood guitar amp feel...

Product design 3.jpg

Showing how a musician might pack and carry the gear...

Product design 4.jpg

Some of the early ideas stuck (electrical connection between the amps and the speakers is made when you plug in the speaker (no speaker wires) and some did not (the folding speaker connections -- they were judged to be too heavy to carry together.)

The "optional" carry bag became an included item.

Some prototypes of the integral "bass-base" were made in the wood shop...

Round bass 1.jpg

In this picture only the bottom half of the Cylindrical Radiator is shown.

Round bass 2.jpg

Ultimately, the concept of integrated bass was abandoned. It was judged too bulky to carry too bulky in appearance.