T1® Scenes Housekeeping
T1 Scenes Housekeeping
Scenes Overview
One of the great features of the T1 ToneMatch Audio Engine is the ability to save up to 10 sets of parameters used in tweaking the sound output. This is the Scenes facility which is described [here?].
The Problem
It's easy to make adjustments to paramaters such as zEQ, Parametric EQ, Compression, Reverb etc for the individual channels and then save each complete set as a different scene (eg different scenes for different regular venues, or different scenes for different performer setups... solo, duo, band, etc).
What's not so easy is keeping track of which settings/parameters have been used for the individual scenes.
A Possible Solution
Some people have suggested that a scene editor software application would be a useful tool.
In the meantime we have created an Excel spreadsheet with 11 separate tabs/worksheets - one page for each scene, and an overall summary page which is automatically populated as details are recorded on the individual scene pages.
The spreadsheet can be downloaded here - Media:t1scenes.xls. It's very simple and almost self explanatory but, if instructions are deemed necessary they will be provided here.