B1 Bass Module

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Revision as of 04:39, 14 May 2007 by BlackForestMan (talk | contribs) (German)
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Keep the B1s Together

If you have more than one B1 playing the same sound source (instrument), keep the B1s together. You should get as much as 3 dB more than if you have them separated. This is due to acoustic coupling. This also avoids creating nulls. You can stack them or have them side-by-side but you want to keep them together. For more comprehensive discussion about this see Arranging and Placing the B1s (below).

Arranging and Placing the B1s

Chris-at-Bose talks about how and where to locate your B1s

Stacking (up to four high)

From page 12 of the Owners Guide


Check the Cables

B1Cable.gif You may want to double check your Blue B1 cables. See B1 Cable Connections

Rotate the Logos

You can rotate the Bose logo so it is parallel to the floor even if you have turned the B1 on its side. Chuck-at-Bose said, "... Maybe it's my kung fu grip, but I've had good luck with carefully pinching the logo and pulling at these points, then rotating 90 degrees:"


Be very careful with the fine ends of the logo because they can be easily broken off. You may even try to pull up in the middle with your fingernails on the edge instead of near the ends.

How Low does the B1 Go?

The short answer: 40 Hz. But what about instruments that go lower than that, for example a five string Bass. A much better answer comes from Hilmar-at-Bose in Bass Frequencies

Port Orientation

"Theoretically, port-side-up may give a tiny bit better aligned floor reflection but in practice, the difference is so small that it isn't worth bothering with. However, I would still advise when you stack multiple B1s keep them all in the same orientation." - Hilmar-at-Bose [1]

When I read this, I had to go and look very closely to find the port. It's easier to figure out that when the B1 is on it's side, port side up is same as (on the back) connection panel down.

Longer cables for B1s

Unfortunately, the Speakon connector comes in three different flavors, NL2 (2-pins), NL4 (4 pins), and NL8 (8-pins). Most salespeople are not aware of the differences. The Bose B1 requires a NL4 connector with all 4 pins connected (that's why we call it 4-wire cable).

A good source for these cables is


for example


If you call Mark and tell him you want the cable for the Bose B1, you will get on that is made to our specifications. You can also any custom length cable at a very reasonable price.


German (translation provided by BlackForestMan)

SPEAKON Kabel gibt es in 3 verschiedenen Varianten, NL2 (2-polig), NL4 (4-polig), and NL8 (8-polig). Häufig kennt das Verkaufspersonal diese Unterschiede nicht. Das Bose B1 Bassmodul benötigt aber ein NL4 bei dem alle 4 Anschlüsse verbunden sind (daher sprechen wir hier auch von einem 4-adrigen Kabel).

Fertige Kabel in verschiedenen Längen gibt es z.B. hier:

dto. gibt es auch in 5m, 10m, 15m Länge usw.

In der Regel wird auf Anfrage aber auch jedes lokale Musikgeschäft ein Speakon NL4-Kabel in passender Länge herstellen können.

- Hilmar-at-Bose[2]