L1® Model II with Mixer to Analog Input

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L1 Model II

Alesis MultiMix8USBBehringer UB1202Mackie 1202 VLZ ProNumark CD Mix-2Spirit NotepadYamaha MG82/FX

If you are using a mixer instead of a T1 ToneMatch Audio Engine use the mixer to create a mono output and send that to the Model II Power Stand Analog input.

  • If there is a stereo/mono switch then use it and send the mono output to the Model II Power Stand Analog input.
  • If there is a Left/mono output then use that and send it to the Model II Power Stand Analog input.
  • If there is no way to create a mono output then pan all your mixer inputs all the way to one side (e.g. Left) and then take the mixer for that side (e.g. Left) output and send it to the Model II Power Stand Analog input.

A ¼ inch Tip-Ring-Sleeve connector carrying a stereo signal should not be used with the analog input on the Model II.

Even though a ¼ inch Tip-Ring-Sleeve connector can carry a stereo signal this is not how this physical connection is used on the L1® Model II with Mixer to Analog Input Power Stand.

The analog input on the Model II is balanced, and will therefore subtract the Left and Right signals on a stereo cable and you will hear an L-R (Left minus Right) signal in the Model II.

You cannot 'get through the gig' this way if you are a DJ or if you need to run prerecorded music or have stereo inputs.

Analog Input

The Analog input is a ¼ inch balanced input jack. Do not connect a stereo source to this input.

Model 1S Analog Input Detail.png

Analog input trim (volume, or gain) control

There is a trim control for the analog input. Turn this off (fully counter-clockwise) unless you have something connected to the Analog Input.

Model II Analog Input Trim.png

Setting the Trim Control
  1. Set the Trim control on the power stand to the 0 (zero) position.
  2. Connect the audio source to the Analog Input
  3. Adjust the volume of the source device output to the reference or nominal output level.
    • On analog consoles this may be marked as unity or 0 dB.
    • On digital consoles this may be marked as -18 dBFS[1][2]. The exact value (-18 dBFS to -20 dBFS) may vary depending your location[3].
    • Refer to the manual for the source device for details.
    • If the source device does not have metering or indicators, set the output as high as you can without hearing distortion or seeing red indicator lights.
  4. While playing/singing as loud as you will during your performance, increase the Trim level so that the Signal/Clip indicator glows green or yellow. Occasional flickers of red are okay.
  5. If the Signal/Clip indicator glows solid red or you hear distortion, decrease the Trim level so that it glows only green or yellow.

Model 1S Analog Input