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<table><tr><td valign="top"><td>
<a href="http://toonz.ca/media/goodsy/goodsyPlayer.htm?TB_iframe=true&width=700&height=450" title="How to Play Better - Cliff Goodwin" class="thickbox"><img src="http://toonz.ca/bose/wiki/images/2/2e/CliffGoodwin.png" border="0" title="Cliff Goodwin - click to start" alt="Cliff Goodwin - click to start"><br />Start the Video</a>
<td valign="top" bgColor="whitesmoke" width="275">
Cliff Goodwin is a professional musician. He lives and works in the Northeast US.
<br /><br />
From 1980 - 1992 he was music director of the Joe Cocker Band, on stage and in the studio.
<br /><br />
In 2002 he was chosen to develop a musical group to launch the L1™  system throughout&nbsp;the&nbsp;world.
<br /><br />
Goodwin was asked by Bose Chief Engineer Ken Jacob to speak at the second L1™ Users Conference held in Ashland MA in&nbsp;October&nbsp;2006.
<br /><br />
Ken and the audience asked Cliff wide ranging questions about how to take maximum <i>musical</i> advantage of the L1™ system.
<br /><br />
The premise was:
<br />
Now that we can hear better...
<br />
How can we <i>play</i> better?
[http://toonz.ca/bose/wiki/images/flash/goodsyplayer.htm Flash Player version] all in one.
[http://toonz.ca/bose/wiki/images/flash/goodsyplayer.htm Flash Player version] all in one.

Latest revision as of 01:18, 17 December 2008

Cliff Goodwin - click to start
Start the Video
Cliff Goodwin is a professional musician. He lives and works in the Northeast US.

From 1980 - 1992 he was music director of the Joe Cocker Band, on stage and in the studio.

In 2002 he was chosen to develop a musical group to launch the L1™ system throughout the world.

Goodwin was asked by Bose Chief Engineer Ken Jacob to speak at the second L1™ Users Conference held in Ashland MA in October 2006.

Ken and the audience asked Cliff wide ranging questions about how to take maximum musical advantage of the L1™ system.

The premise was:
Now that we can hear better...
How can we play better?