T1 ToneMatch® Audio Engine / Shared Scenes
ToneMatch® Updater Software application. (two versions available)
If you have questions please see ToneMatch Updater discussion.
macOS Issues[Filename] can't be opened because the identity of the developer cannot be confirmedIf you see "[Filename] can't be opened because the identity of the developer cannot be confirmed" message displayed Mac OSX users may see this message when trying to install a Bose app. If this message appears, try the following: Mac users may need to hold the Control key (Ctrl) when opening the file. Various versions of the Mac OS cannot identify Bose as a developer. The Mountain Lion version of OS X (10.8) includes a feature called Gatekeeper to protect users from installing applications of non-Apple identified developers. The Mavericks version of OS X (10.9.5) temporarily cannot identify Bose as a developer as well. To open the application, follow these steps:
In the menu that appears, select Open at the top of the list A confirmation window will appear. Select Open Without Control click:
With Control click: More information on Gatekeeper can be found at http://support.apple.com/kb/HT5290
After you update the T1 ToneMatch Audio Engine or L1 Model II firmware, if you see a window on the PC that says the update was not successful, you should:
- turn the L1 and T1 off
- wait three seconds
- then turn the L1 and T1 back on
Do this before trying the update again!
This allows the L1 and T1s to re-establish a good copy of the software.
Source: If your firmware update is not successful - Caution