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T1 This information is applicable to the T1 ToneMatch® audio engine

KickGate Frequently Asked Questions

First - Here is the Description from Page 23 of the T1 ToneMatch™ Audio Engine Manual

Using the KickGate

The KickGate is a Bose® proprietary technology that allows you to raise the level of a kick drum channel while eliminating the risk of feedback from the microphone. Two KickGate settings are available in the Comp/Gate menu.

  1. Connect the appropriate type of microphone.
  2. Select an appropriate ToneMatch™ preset.
  3. Adjust the channel input Trim control so that the hardest kick drum hits turn the input channel LED yellow, but not red.
  4. Select Comp/Gate with the T1 rotary selector.
  5. Rotate the Type button to scroll down the list, highlight KickGate 1 or KickGate 2, and press Select.

Choose KickGate 2 when using a double bass drum pedal.

  1. While playing the kick drum, increase the volume to the desired performance level.
  2. Play the kick drum at the softest level you intend to use in the performance and check that you can hear it.
  3. While playing softly, increase the Thresh level until some of the kick drum hits get cut off. Then lower the Thresh level by 3dB.
  4. While playing the kick drum normally, rotate the Tight button counter-clockwise to reduce the tightness and

add more “boom” to the sound. Tightness can be adjusted from 0 (slowest) to 100% (fastest).

Can I use it with Electronic Drums

The KickGate™ will stay closed unless it thinks it detects a kick drum hit, so cymbals, snare, et cetera on the same channel probably won't get through, or worse, they'll get through sometimes. The gate is meant to kill feedback from the dedicated microphone on a kick drum only. No other processing is linked to the KickGate, so you won't lose any special preset goodness or other drum sweetening. I think your e-drums could only be degraded by using the KickGate with them. - Chris-at-Bose[1]