Stereo Mixer to Mono L1®

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L1 Compact
L1 Model II This information is applicable to the L1®  Model II
L1 Model 1S This information is applicable to the L1®  Model 1S

Using a stereo mixer with an L1

Here are some examples of connecting a stereo mixer to the mono input on your L1 .

Stereo Mixer

The inputs on the L1 Model 1S or L1 Model II or the Compact Channel 2 are MONO.

Model 1S Analog Input

{{#Click:Model_1S#Analog_Input|Image:Power Stand Analog Input 250.png|Model 1S Analog Input}}

Model 1I Analog Input

{{#Click:Model_II#Analog_Input|Image:Power Stand Analog Input 250.png|Model II Analog Input}}

Compact Channel 2

{{#Click:L1®_Compact#Channel_2|Image:Compact Channel 2 Balanced.png|Model II Analog Input}}

It's pretty easy to make this work. You can pan all your inputs hard LEFT and take the LEFT output and connect that to your L1 . If you have a stereo source and two stereo channels, then you can

  1. Run the left side of the stereo source to the left input on one stereo channel,
  2. Run and the right side of the stereo source to the left side of another stereo channel.
  3. Pan any other inputs hard left
  4. Use the left output of mixer and connect that to the L1 mono input.

Here are a some examples of how you can get a mono output out of your stereo mixer.

Mackie 1402 VLZ4

{{#Click: 1402VLZ4 web page}}

Mackie 1402VLZ4 web page

Yamaha MG10

{{#Click: MG10 web page}}

Yamaha MG10 web page