B2 Bass Module as Subwoofer
Question - Can I use a B2 with an amplifier as a subwoofer for another (non-L1®) loudspeaker system?
- The B2 Bass Module is designed to work with the L1 system. The B1 is protected from frequencies it was not designed to handle - but only when connected to an L1 Power Stand. If you connect the B2 to another amplifier, or an PackLite® power amplifier model A1 use a Power Stand Bass Line Out as the source. If you do not, there is no protection for the B2.
Note from MikeZ-at-Bose
- Loudspeakers designed to be used with other gear (typical 2 way PA speakers, third party subs, etc.) usually have some sort of passive protection built into them. The B2, since it was designed to be used with L1's, has no protection. All of the protection is built into the L1 itself.
On the L1 Classic there is an input "All Amps In". There is no protection for the B2 when using this input.
The PackLite® power amplifier model A1 is a full range amplfier and does not offer any protection for the B1s. The B2 will be protected if the signal source is an L1 Power Stand Bass Line Out.