T1 ToneMatch® Audio Engine / USB Connection

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Here are some quick notes to get you started when you connect a T1 ToneMatch Audio Engine to your computer to playback audio files from the computer to your L1™



  • Your laptop connects to the T1™ via USB. The Cable is USB Type A to Type B.

Settings for Playback

  • The T1™ can route the signal to MAIN or Channel 4/5. Turn the main selector to Prefs and scan through the menu for USB from PC. You will see your options there.
  • If you run to MAIN then control the relative volume (compared to the other channels) from the laptop. The Master Volume controls the overall output of the system including the sound that comes in through the USB input.

PrefsUSBFromPCMaster.png T1MasterVolume.png

  • If you run to Channel 4/5 you can control the relative volume (compared to the other channels) in the T1™ Volume control for Channel 4/5

PrefsUSBFromPCCH45.png T1Ch45Volume.png

T1 ToneMatch Audio Engine Service Manual.

PC or Mac

  • If you are running a Mac, playback just works as soon as you connect the cable.
  • If you are running Windows XP Pro, it also works fine but you may need to tell Windows to use the Bose Audio device as the audio playback device.
  • If you are running Vista, Bose is working on it, but drivers are not yet available.