S1 Pro+ Daisy Chain Wireless

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S1 Pro+  This information is applicable to the S1 Pro+ system

S1 Pro+ Daisy Chain Wireless

Connect Two S1 Pro+ using the S1 Pro+ XLR wireless transmitter Left

To connect an S1 Pro+ to a second S1 Pro+ using the S1 Pro+ XLR Wireless transmitter.

Terms used

S1 Pro+ 1
This is the master S1 Pro+ to which you have connected the sound sources that you want to be heard through both S1 Pro+ systems
S1 Pro+ 2
This is the remote S1 Pro+ to which you send the sound from S1 Pro 1

Set Up

  1. Turn down the volume on both S1 Pro+ systems
  2. On S1 Pro+ 2, pair the XLR transmitter to one of the Input channels (1 or 2). For this discussion, we'll assume you have connected to channel 1. On S1 Pro+ 2, on the input channel, set the Bass and Treble to 12:00 o'clock, and if using channels 1 or 2, set ToneMatch to Off, and Reverb all the way down.

S1 Pro+ XLR MicLine Pair.jpg

  1. Connect the XLR Wireless transmitter to S1 Pro+ 1 Line Out (XLR connection)

S1 Pro+ Line Out.jpg

  1. On S1 Pro+ 2 channel 1 set the input to LINE input

S1 Pro+ Wireless LINE Input.jpg


  1. On S1 Pro+ 1, bring up the channel volumes to the desired levels
  2. On S1 Pro+ 2, bring up channel 1 volume to suit your application. Note: This will not necessarily match the same position on the dials as S1 Pro+ 1