User talk:ST
What follows is likely of little interest. It is just a log of technical issues and changes related to running the wiki.
Technical Issues and Changes
Extensions Installed
Linked Image Example
only works for links to internal wiki pages
NOTE: Breaks RSS <linkedimage> wikipage=The Bose® L1® Wiki tooltip=Main Page img_src=L1doubleWA1.gif img_width=138px img_height=200px img_alt=Sampletext </linkedimage>
<linkedimage> wikipage=The Bose® L1™ Wiki tooltip=Main Page img_src=L1doubleWA1.gif img_alt=No width or height specified </linkedimage>
Click Image extension
{{#Click:Digitech Vocalist Live 2 - Alternative Method to Connect to a T1®|Image:VocalistLive2.jpg|90px|Read the article on how to connect the Digitech Vocalist Live 2 to a T1®}}
Add to a page:
{{#Click:Target|Image:Example.png|90px|Caption is here.}}
Width (90px) and caption are optional. Target may be an internal or external link, but internal links take precedence.
LiveSaver Test
GD Library function calls repaired
In php.ini
15:45, 25 November 2006 (GMT-7)
Update to 1.82
Update to 1.82 seems to have worked. Extensions for Linked Images and Snap seem to no-longer break RSS, although this update to the ST Talk page should be the test for RSS that was breaking in NetVibes.
RSS still broken
Had to disable LinkedImages and Snap Linked Images inserts an extra line at the beginning of the RSS file.
Snap breaks the syntax
Category Tree
$wgUseAjax = true; require_once( './extensions/CategoryTree/CategoryTree.php' );
ST 01:04, 4 December 2006 (GMT-7)
Labeled Section Transclusion
require_once ( './extensions/LabeledSectionTransclusion/lst.php' ); ST 01:05, 4 December 2006 (GMT-7)$wg_config_(alphabetical) mark off section
<section begin=Effects/>this is a chapter<section end=Effects />
example of transclusion
{{#lst:L1™ T1 ToneMatch™ Audio Engine/FAQ|Effects}}
Notes to Self
- Article Requests
- resolve TODO references
Vital Statistics
This site: Bose Portable PA Encyclopedia
Running MediaWiki version 1.31.1
Number of wiki pages.
6,961 or which 944 are considered articles
Number of uploaded files. 2,533
Number of wiki edits. 23,686
Number of registered users. 4,348
Number of users in the sysop group. 2
Number of Active Users 0