ToneMatch® Presets and Electric Guitar

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This is collection of notes about ToneMatch Presets and Electric Guitar.

Q: What is "General Processor" intended for, i.e., what kind of processors?

The general processor setting was designed to work well with a variety of amp modeling devices such as those produced by Digitech, Roland, or Line6. I tend to think of this as the "desterilizer".

Q: The Miked Amp w/SM57 or w/Sennheiser e609 - what is actually being simulated - is it the input into the T1 ToneMatch Audio Engine going through a mic simulator?

This preset was shaped around the concept of an electric guitar being plugged directly into a blues junior, miking the speaker slightly off axis in the case of the sm57 - or simply hanging the e609 in front of the blues junior speaker, connecting it to the T1 and L1 system. Cliffs EQ adjustments were saved in these presets.

Q: What is General Direct intended for, any guitar not directly supported by a preset, or a DI from a preamp? or...?

General Direct is suitable for most input signals that are not represented elsewhere. It is different from Guitar with zEQ for instance in that it does not feature further tonal adjustments (zEQ) specific to an instrument. Essentially it is more generic in design and is a great failsafe starting point.

Q: Flat only allows zEQ or other effects too?.

If you select a flat with zEQ setting in a specific category, the zEQ adjustments update to match the most meaningful frequencies for that category/instrument. The effects are available to you regardless of the preset you select.
