T1® / Downloads / Factory Settings

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contents of the download file

Use this file to restore the T1 ToneMatch® Audio Engine to its original factory configuration. It contains: Original T1 Factory Scenes, Presets and User Scenes. Use these files for backup purposes or for resetting your T1 back to it's original state.

    • Original T1 Factory Scenes.
    • Original T1 Presets. (link goes to a list of the original presets)
    • Original T1 Users Scenes. Note this is a blank bank.
    • Empty ToneMatch® A, B or C Bank. Use this if you want to remove any of your ToneMatch® A, B or C banks.

L1® Updater Application

In order to use the files described below you need to install the L1® Updater Application.

Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination

These are the latest versions of the ToneMatch Updater application.

ToneMatch® Updater Software application. (two versions available)

If you have questions please see ToneMatch Updater discussion.

To update your L1 Model II with a T1 ToneMatch Audio Engine use the older version of the L1 Updater software

macOS Issues

[Filename] can't be opened because the identity of the developer cannot be confirmed

If you see "[Filename] can't be opened because the identity of the developer cannot be confirmed" message displayed

Mac OSX users may see this message when trying to install a Bose app. If this message appears, try the following:

Mac users may need to hold the Control key (Ctrl) when opening the file.

Various versions of the Mac OS cannot identify Bose as a developer. The Mountain Lion version of OS X (10.8) includes a feature called Gatekeeper to protect users from installing applications of non-Apple identified developers. The Mavericks version of OS X (10.9.5) temporarily cannot identify Bose as a developer as well.

To open the application, follow these steps:

  • Press and hold the Control key while clicking on the application icon
    • Note: Do not use Launchpad to do this. Launchpad doesn’t allow you to access the shortcut menu

In the menu that appears, select Open at the top of the list

A confirmation window will appear. Select Open

Without Control click:

SoundTouch-osx-installer 01.png

With Control click:

SoundTouch-osx-installer 02.png

More information on Gatekeeper can be found at http://support.apple.com/kb/HT5290

Original ToneMatch® Presets

T1® Original Factory Presets and documents

Load the Bose_T1_Presets_10.bos file in the second bank.

Load the Bose_T1_Presets_10.bos file in the second bank.

Original Factory Scenes

Factory Scenes.zip

Load the Bose_T1_FactoryScenes_10.bos file in the sixth bank.

Load the Bose_T1_FactoryScenes_10.bos file in the sixth bank.

Original User Scenes (5 blank scenes)

T1® Bank of 5 Blank User Scenes Load the Bose_T1_UserScenes_Reset_10.bos file in the seventh bank.

Load the Bose_T1_UserScenes_Reset_10.bos file in the seventh bank.


The T1® Original Factory Presets and documents shows an item

Acoustic Guitars - Taylor w/Fishman

This preset is not included in the Presets.

picture of the misprint in the documentation