Electric Guitar

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T1 This information is applicable to the T1 ToneMatch® audio engine

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Electric Guitar Processors and the T1 ToneMatch Audio Engine

Presets and Template:ZEQ

When you use any Preset in the Electric Guitar category the zEQ settings for Low, Mid, High are optimized for Electric Guitar. I usually leave the zEQ settings flat and do the tone shaping in the guitar processor.

zEQ flat

Then when I get to the gig, if I need to tweak the sound to suit the room I'll do that with the zEQ. — ST

Processor Modeler Profiler

If you are using a processor/modeler/profiler between your electric guitar and a T1 ToneMatch Audio Engine

For example: Kemper Profiling Amp

{{#img: image=KemperProfilingAmpWhite800x500.jpg |page=http://www.kemper-amps.com/%7C height=200px |title=Kemper Profiling Amp }}

Try this T1® Preset

This covers anything that does speaker modelling.

Flat E Guitar zEQ

Category: Electric Guitars
Preset: Flat E Guitar zEQ

Older Processors

This may help if you have some digital fizz in your sound.

General Processor

Category: Electric Guitars
General Processor

Effects Pedal without Speaker Emulation

This gives you the general tone of running through a 12" speaker in a cabinet. It does not include distortion.

General Direct
Category: Electric Guitars
General Processor

L1 Compact

L1 Compact

If connecting directly to a L1 Compact use Channel 2 ¼ inch jack with the ToneMatch switch set to Line.

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Line6 Patches