Electric Guitar

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T1 This information is applicable to the T1 ToneMatch® audio engine

Electric Guitar Processors and the T1 ToneMatch Audio Engine

Presets and zEQ

When you use any Preset in the Electric Guitar category the zEQ settings for Low, Mid, High are optimized for Electric Guitar. I usually leave the zEQ settings flat and do the tone shaping in the guitar processor.

zEQ flat

Then when I get to the gig, if I need to tweak the sound to suit the room I'll do that with the zEQ. — ST

Processor Modeler Profiler

If you are using a processor/modeler/profiler between your electric guitar and a T1 ToneMatch Audio Engine

For example: Kemper Profiling Amp

{{#img: image=KemperProfilingAmpWhite800x500.jpg |page=http://www.kemper-amps.com/%7C height=200px |title=Kemper Profiling Amp }}

Try this T1® Preset

This covers anything that does speaker modelling.

Flat E Guitar zEQ

Category: Electric Guitars
Preset: Flat E Guitar zEQ

Older Processors

This may help if you have some digital fizz in your sound.

General Processor

Category: Electric Guitars
General Processor

Effects Pedal without Speaker Emulation

This gives you the general tone of running through a 12" speaker in a cabinet. It does not include distortion.

General Direct
Category: Electric Guitars
General Processor

L1 Compact

L1 Compact

If connecting directly to a L1 Compact use Channel 2 ¼ inch jack with the ToneMatch switch set to Line.

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Line6 Patches