Stage Layouts / Model II / Two Systems
Stage Layouts - Model II - Two Systems
Inside Out with Two Systems
If you are coming from a conventional stage setup, you might want to put the Systems at the extreme left and right sides of the stage.
Keep the Systems Inside the Group. Details of connections.
Fine Tuning for Monitoring
If the performers at the outer edges of the stage are having trouble hearing each other, try adjusting the position of the L1®s. Moving the L1®s toward the middle a bit should help. Try one-third intervals across the stage to start and fine tune from there.
Not outside the group.
- Every sound source should be amplified through only one System.
- There are times that you will want to "pan" across two or more Systems. It may sound fine on stage and may help with the stage mix, but you run the risk of causing phase issues and nulls in the audience.
- Every player should hear him/herself through the System closest to him/her.
- Try to keep loud sources out of the path between a player and his/her System.
- All players that should be heard at the same volume should be the same distance from the his/her System.